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Peach and Passionfruit Cake

Since I'm currently in the process of packing up and relocating to Brighton, I've spent the past week back at home with my parents. They live much closer to my Tues- Fri teaching job (woohoo- later alarm!) and my flat is pretty barren so it makes sense. Over dinner on Friday night my dad was talking about a leaving dinner he was going to when the idea of cake suddenly occurred to us both! We hatched a plan that I would make a small (for about 15) cake that he could take to work as a 'good luck' gesture for the lady who was leaving. I had originally planned to make a raspberry and white chocolate cake but when I got to Waitrose and realised that it was £5 per (very small) punnet I decided to wing it and find something else. Per chance I happened upon the most amazing peach preserve by Crosta & Mollica (seriously delicious, try it). I had pretty much decided to make some kind of peach inspired cake when, on my way out, I noticed that they had fresh passion fruits. I absolutely love passion fruit. In fact I almost always go for tropical flavours over anything else, so I decided I'd pick some up and see if I could work them into the cake somehow. I set about making a classic Vanilla cake and then used the bits I'd picked up to spice it up a little bit. And voila! The MOST delicious peach and passion fruit cake was born. I will most definitely make it again- I want to try turning the passion fruits into curd and using that as a filling alongside the passion fruit buttercream. If anyone has a trusty, easily adaptable curd recipe up their sleeve then please let me know in the comments!

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